Education Consultancy to help schools and educators work more closely with Education Technology.
Specialising in helping schools embed the use of technology across the whole curriculum and in teaching Computing.
Nick Speller is a Qualified Primary Teacher, Ex Local Authority Adviser and Curriculum Computing Consultant having worked for Gaia Technologies and 123ICT amongst others.
Nick is experienced in:
- Online Safety – 360 Safe Assessor – having supported many schools through the process of completing their 360 SAFE matrix
- CEOP Ambassador since 2007 having worked with over 6000 young people, their parents and their teachers.
- Google Certified Trainer since 2018 – also Level 1 and 2 Teacher Certified
- Apple Teacher since 2017
- Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator since 2016 Trainer in the use and deployment of Office 365
- Experienced Trainer in the use of:
- Green screen film making and editing
- Stop-motion animation
- Sound editing
- Music making
- Photo editing
- VR and AR
- 360 Camera filming and photography
- Scratch and Scratch Jr
- Kodu
- Minecraft for Education
- Office suite
- Micro:Bit Programming
- Crumble Programming
- Interactive Whiteboard software (SMART/Promethean/Oktopus)
- Creative use of iPads in the classroom including Garageband and many more apps
- and far more…
Learning with Technology
unlocking potential in the classroom